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Watch Omar Series In Urdu/Hindi - All Episodes Available

Omar's series highlights the glorious life of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab r.a. and his achievements as a ruler.

Omar Series. 

The epic drama depicts the historical facts related to the second rightly guided caliph of Islam.

Directed by Hatem Ali and broadcasted by MBC1, the Omar series was originally released in Arabic and then dubbed in other languages including Urdu.

Trailer in Urdu/Hindi. 

Here is the trailer you would love to watch before watching the complete series to have an idea of it. We have updated it with some cool transitions and text.


It starts with Hazrat Omar delivering speeches to the Hajj pilgrims. The next scenes take him to his life before accepting Islam when he was hostile to Prophet Muhammad. 

The series then goes on to showcase all his past life events when he was a young wrestler and businessman working under his father. 

The later part of the drama portrays how he became the epitome of pious leadership. 

In addition, the script and screenplay of the Omar Series had successfully portrayed the beauty of the Arabic language and their strong appreciation for poetry. 


It also drew criticism for portraying the four rightly guided caliphs and other companions of Prophet Muhammad

Nevertheless, many Muslims have endorsed the show for accurately depicting the historical events of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab's life.


The series has gained outstanding reviews and ratings from the audiences as well as critics.

IMDb rating: 9.1/10.

Google users rating: 4.9/5.

Watch Omar Series In Urdu/Hindi. 

There are 30 episodes of this drama. It would be better if you have access to any premium sources of the series. However, you can also watch all the episodes in Urdu or Hindi below.

All Episodes: 

Below is the box is the complete series in Urdu or Hindi with English subtitles. All the episodes have been presented separately.

Click on the respective episodes to watch them.

If you have any problem watching any of the episodes of the series, then feel free to report to us in the comment section.

Omar series in Arabic with English subtitles.

Apart from this, If you want to watch it in Arabic with English subtitles, then you can easily assess all the episodes directly from YouTube. Just click on the link below to go now.

Who was Umar Farooq r.a.?

He was the second rightly guided caliph of Islam who succeeded Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab was among the greatest companions of the Messenger of Allah.

Umar was the epitome of justice & piousness. Under his rule, the Islamic kingdom expanded vastly. He had silenced many kings and defeated large enemies. Yet as a ruler, Hazrat Umar chose to live a simple life.

The earth is yet to witness a ruler and leader like him.

People called him the title of "Ameerul Momineen" which means the commander of the believer. He was given the title of Al-Farooq, the one who distinguishes between right and wrong.

Tell us below in the comment section! How's it? The best scene from the Omar series you would love to watch again? Your review for fellow viewers.

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